jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2014

Santa Maria: a catastrophe that lasted three days.

In the morning of the 24 October,1902, a volcanic eruption took place in Santa María, Guatemala. The eruption lasted three days( from the 24 to the 26), and the scientist Dr. Franklin answered some questions such as why the volcano erupted, and why the ashes could arrive in San Francisco, USA. He answered that the Santa María had clearly exploded as a consequence of a seismic sward that had taken place in that region in January of that year which included a major earthquake in April.
    The volcano killed lots of people in Guatemala, this was for example because there were so many ashes that they got the throatsof the people. Also he explained that the ashes arrived at USA because the wind was in direction to the north.
     Finnaly, the eruption was over in the morning of the 26th. The people who survived were very happy.


1- What happened? A volcanic eruption.
2-Where? In Guatemala, Santa Maria, Santiaguito.
3- When? The 24, 25 and 26 of October, 1902.
4-Who were involved? Many people were involved in Guatemala. Also the ashes were detected in San Francisco, United States.
5- Why? The volcano awaking was clearly indicated by a seismic swarm in the region in January of 1902, which included a major earthquake in April.


Today we will interview Alex Vunection, a surviver of the .

volcanic eruption in Guatemala in 1902. He is 90 years old.

Me: Which was your first reaction when yo heard the explosion?

Alex Vunection: Well, the first thing I imagined was a big bomb, my wife was in another country si I had to take care of my daughter. I ran to her bedroom and took her with me. Then I looked trought the window and I could see the big mountain that was far from my house. I felt terrified, I ran out of my house, but when I opened the door, with my little daughter in my arms the ashes started to fly into my eyes. I ran again into my house , now my babe was crying, and me thinking abou my death, I hid under the bed. After the hours passed, the climate was changing into good. Then I stood up again, I covered my daughter with all the things I could found and started running out of my house with the ashes covering my feets. When I was very far away, I found a house where a family assited us very well.

Me: Tell me about what happened the next day. Where did you go? Did the weather get worst?

Alex Vunection: The next day, we got up and I wanted to go to another place, I didn't know which, but very far away from there. When we went down to the kitchen, we could see through the window a view full of ashes so I couldn't go anywhere with my babe. The family offered me to stay the time I wanted, so I stayed there one more day in which the weather became worse. In the 26 the weather got better, and I called my wife, who was coming and I told her were I was and what had happened.

Me: What did you think when everything had finished?

Alex: I felt very distressed because of all the people who died because of the eruption, the things I lost like my house, and a lot of things more that now become impossible for me to imagine them. Apart from these feelings I also felt a little happy for my family and myself, we could return altogether again.

Taller Itinerante "Pensa Antes de Tirar"

Como una integración de nuestro proyecto en Construcción de la Ciudadanía, "Pensa Antes de Tirar", tuvimos que realizar un video que muestre en fotos y palabras todo lo que hicimos en el año como cuando fuimos a las guarderias..

lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2014

Hongout a África

El día martes 21 de Octubre realizamos un hangout con un médico argentino llamado José Vega, padre del colegio, que está en Guinea Ecuatorial, Mongomo. Nosotros le hicimos preguntas  cómo cuál era la enfermedad más frecuente y  es Paludismo pero también nos contó que son muy frecuentes los  accidentes automovilísticos. La enfermedad más grave que atendió fue una niña de seis años que tenía un tumor en uno de sus pulmones.
Lo que más queríamos saber era si él atendía a pacientes con ébola pero no lo hace. Él trabaja en una clínica llamada "Policlínico Virgen de Guadalupe" en el cual atiende a personas de clase media o alta, la clínica es privada.
Queríamos saber que se hace con un niño que sufre desnutrición y aprendimos que lo primero que  se tiene que hacer es darle agua y no mucha comida de repente para que el estómago se acostumbre. Igualmente José no atiende ese tipo casos.

Él trabaja con dos enfermeras cubanas y otros médicos de diferentes países. 

How fire came to the Earth.


1- Who was the first one to have the eternal fire?
2-Who wanted to kill Polinesius?
3-How fire came to the Earth?

1- the first one to have the eternal fire was Polinesius.
2-Zeus wanted to kill Polinesius.
3-The fire came to the earth when Zeus throw a thunder to Polinesius and it fells outside the Olympus and reaches the earth.

viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014

La materia

Uno de los temas vistos este año fue La Materia. Para reflescarlo, realizamos,entre todos, un cuadro en tamaño grande en clase. Luego, virtualmente, les agregamos los conectores que ivan entre palabra y palabra. 

jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2014

Y así damos por finalizado el año...

En esta presentación, incluimos todos los temas vistos este año desde la salud hasta lo más nuevo, como puede ser el ébola. Esta integración, la realizamos en grupos de a tres y a mi me tocó trabajar con mis compañeras Delfina Orueta y Juana Bonnemezón. 

El huevo flotante.

En una de las clases de Ciencias Naturales, fuimos al laboratorio a realizar una actividad que tenga que ver con la "Densidad". En este caso hicimos un experimento que consistía en hecharle sal al agua donde estaba el huevo, y observar que cambio sucedía. Aquí les dejo un video sobre lo que realizamos...

martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014

Enfermedad número UNO...

Aqui, presento una infografía con información sobre el virus Ebola:a

The creation of the Everest.

In a time not defined, there was a town called Everest. It was a town full of criminals. One day all the people in the town, started demanding security to the only police there, his name was Bob. He said that he tried to made a better place but he couldn't, they were a lot .At night, when he was sleeping, he listened a noise coming from the kitchen. It was Athom, the god of the mountain, he came because he wanted to made a deal. The deal was that if he did the things well, he would receive a gift. But if not all the town will be punished.
  The policeman Bob, worked hard by several years, trying to kept the peace in the town, and also trying to won his gift, the one that Athom had promised. One day, while the town was sleeping, a band of criminals attacked the city. They started looting at the shops they found in their way. All the people were scared, they didn't know what to do. Bob desperately took his bow and his arrow, and got out of his simple house. Trying to scared the criminals away, without killing anyone, an arrow was shot. It didn't kill any person, but did it hurt the leg of a criminal. After this happened, the people who had looted,went away and never came back.
  Bob thought all that afternoon about how the criminals escaped with practically all the money and the jewels of the town and he also was afraid because of the promise that he did to the God Athom. As night was approaching he listened pieces of big rocks getting closer. It was very late and Bob was starting to sleep. He sleep and had a dream where the God Athom said " I'm sorry to do this". At that moment Bob got up and thought that it was only a dream but when he went out of his home he saw that it was upstairs of a big mountain.

By: Nicolás Paglierino, Olivia Converti and Santiago Darnes.

lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014

Una de las bacterias más mortales

En esta presentación explico brevemente muchos temas importantes para tener en cuenta sobre el Síndrome Urémico Hemolítico (SHU)

jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014

Año de arte resumido..

Como bien dice el título, en esta presentación podrán ver los temas principales trabajados durante el año 2014 en arte en una forma resumida y fácil. Aquí se los presento...

lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2014

Ana Molsto

En la clase de francés fuimos a informática y realizamos un voki parecido a nuestro personaje de nuestra historieta y lo presentamos. Aquí esta mi trabajo

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014

Travail spécial d' intégration

En esta actividad  de francés, lo que hicimos fue integrar todos los temas vistos en el año, la familia, los animales, los meses, los días, las profesiones y ocupaciones, etc., y armar una historieta con un personaje inventado por cada alumno que hable sobre su vida. Aquí les dejo el mio.